Raumluft24: What is the best indoor climate?
By Raumluft24 Redaktion (sl) // February 1, 2024

What is the best indoor climate?

What is the best indoor climate and at what room temperature do we feel comfortable?

A pleasant indoor climate is crucial for our well-being and health. But at what room temperature do we feel most comfortable? The answer to this question can vary from person to person, as everyone has individual preferences and needs. Nevertheless, there are some general guidelines that can help us to create the perfect indoor climate.

The ideal room temperature varies

The ideal room temperature is usually between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius. Most people feel comfortable at this temperature and can concentrate well. However, the personal comfort temperature can vary depending on the activity. When sleeping, many people prefer a slightly cooler temperature of around 18 degrees Celsius, while they prefer a warmer temperature when working or relaxing.

It is important to note that not only the temperature but also the humidity has a major influence on our well-being. A relative humidity of around 40-60% is perceived as pleasant. If the humidity is too high, this can lead to a muggy feeling and mold growth. If it is too low, on the other hand, the skin dries out and respiratory problems can occur.

Create your feel-good climate with an air conditioning unit

The perfect indoor climate is an individual matter. Everyone has different preferences and needs. However, using an air conditioning unit can help to optimally adjust the indoor climate in your rooms and create a pleasant feel-good atmosphere.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of the indoor air and, if necessary, taking measures to improve the indoor climate. A wall-mounted air conditioning system from Raumluft24 Klimatechnik GmbH can be an efficient and practical solution for achieving the perfect indoor climate.

A selection of our air conditioners

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